Summer Bouquet Subscription

Summer Bouquet Subscription


Looking for that perfect bouquet? Well, here it is, 6 of them! You can call or text ahead and a fresh bouquet is personally harvested, hand-tied especially for you! Our season starts with tulips and runs through the summer with the dahlia finale in September! These are not your average grocery store flowers! Shares are limited and they go fast! This is a 6 bouquet subscription. Pick up on the farm only.

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Why CSA? 

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a locally based distribution system that creates a direct link between farmers and consumers. Individuals pre-purchase a “share” of the farm’s harvest in the spring to help the farm reduce the burden of up-front costs (such as seeds, tillage, and other inputs) before the season starts. It’s also a way for the farm staff to better know how to prepare for the harvests ahead.

This mutually beneficial partnership helps ensure a more secure market for local farmers while also providing members with consistent access to sustainably grown crops. By joining the Stella Farm Cut Flower CSA, you benefit from a 20% savings on each bouquet you receive.

Membership Description

Stella Farm’s Flower CSA provides subscribers with bouquets of fresh, locally-grown flowers on eight weeks of their choice during the growing season. The CSA runs for 13 weeks from late June to mid to late September. Members will be expected to pick up their flower bouquets at the Farm. Our new pick-up system for 2022 allows members to choose 8 of the 13 weeks during the season that works best for them to pick up, avoiding the need to make accommodations for vacation or other absences on any given market day. Any member who has not retrieved 8 bouquets by the end of the season forfeits the right to any unclaimed bouquets.

Membership is limited

Free Choice Pickup allows members the freedom to choose their own 8 pickup dates, which we will track on a punchcard. Dates do not need to be planned in advance, but you must make arrangements in advance to ensure availability. Simply pick up your bouquet whenever you want until all 8 punches are used. You will receive your punchcard on your first pickup. Limit one bouquet per visit.

Membership Fee

Share Size: 8 bouquets total (approximately 15 stems per bouquet)

Timeframe: 13 weeks; Approximately late June–mid to late September, 2021

Pick-up: Call ahead arrangement with availability.

Total Amount Due: $128.00 per share